Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding troubleshooting your assignments.


When I run python3 ok in my terminal, it works, but when I submit my assignment, it says that my code is wrong. What's going on?

There are many reasons why the autograder might give you a different result than running python3 ok on your computer. Here are some common reasons:

  • There are extraneous imports in your code. If you are getting an error similar to ModuleNotFoundError: No module named [insert module here], you might have an extraneous import in your code. Simply remove the import and try again. Note that some of the completions that Visual Studio Code suggests will automatically attempt to import modules for you, so you might have to manually remove any unwanted imports before you submit.

    To disable auto-import completions, press Ctrl+Shift+P, type open settings, select "Open User Settings (JSON)", and add this line to the bottom before the } to disable auto-import completions:

    "python.analysis.autoImportCompletions": false

    You can also select "Open Settings (UI)", search for python.analysis.autoImportCompletions, and uncheck the box.


Lab #2

  • Q1: Doctests for lambda_curry2_syntax_check are failing. Be sure to remove the line "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" from your lambda_curry2 before submitting.

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