
Tips for navigating the slides:
  • Press O or Escape for overview mode.
  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code

Class outline:

  • Box+Pointer
  • Slicing
  • Recursive exercises
  • Built-ins for iterables

Box + Pointer

Lists in environment diagrams

Lists are represented as a row of index-labeled adjacent boxes, one per element.

                    pair = [1, 2]
PythonTutor for a single two-element list

Try in PythonTutor.

Nested lists in environment diagrams

Each box either contains a primitive value or points to a compound value.

					matrix = [ [1,2,0,4], [0,1,3,-1], [0,0,1,8] ]
Screenshot of PythonTutor of nested list

Nested lists in environment diagrams

A very nested list:

					nested_list = [ [1, 2],
					               [ [3, False, None],
					                 [4, lambda: 5]]]
PythonTutor for a single two-element list


Slicing syntax

Slicing a list creates a new list with a subsequence of the original list.

                    letters = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
                            #   0    1    2    3    4    5

                    sublist1 = letters[1:]    # ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
                    sublist2 = letters[1:4]   # ['B', 'C', 'D']

Slicing also works for strings.

                    compound_word = "cortaúñas"

                    word1 = compound_word[:5]    # "corta"
                    word2 = compound_word[5:]   # "úñas"

Negatives indices and steps can also be specified.

Copying whole lists

Slicing a whole list copies a list:

					listA = [2, 3]
					listB = listA

					listC = listA[:]
					listA[0] = 4
					listB[1] = 5

list() creates a new list containing existing elements from any iterable:

					listA = [2, 3]
					listB = listA

					listC = list(listA)
					listA[0] = 4
					listB[1] = 5

Try both in PythonTutor.

Python3 provides more ways in the copy module.

Recursion exercises

Recursively sum a list

Let's code this up recursively:

                    def sum_nums(nums):
                        """Returns the sum of the numbers in nums.
                        >>> sum_nums([6, 24, 1984])
                        >>> sum_nums([-32, 0, 32])


Docstrings typically would not specify whether an approach was recursive or iterative, since that is an implementation detail.

However, we'll make it clear in assignments and exam questions.

Recursively sum a list (solution)

                        def sum_nums(nums):
                        """Returns the sum of the numbers in nums.
                        >>> sum_nums([6, 24, 1984])
                        >>> sum_nums([-32, 0, 32])
                        if nums == []:
                            return 0
                            return nums[0] + sum_nums( nums[1:] )

When recursively processing lists, the base case is often the empty list and the recursive case is often all-but-the-first items.

Iteratively sum a range

Let's code this up iteratively:

                    def sum_up_to(n):
                        """Returns the sum of positive numbers from 1 up to n (inclusive).
                        >>> sum_up_to(5)


Iteratively sum a range (solution)

Using the range type:

                    def sum_up_to(n):
                        """Returns the sum of positive numbers from 1 up to n (inclusive).
                        >>> sum_up_to(5)
                        sum = 0
                        for n in range(0, n+1):
                            sum += n
                        return sum

Remember that range(start, end) always ends right before end.

Recursively sum a range

Now try it recursively:

                    def sum_up_to(n):
                        """Returns the sum of positive numbers from 1 up to n (inclusive).
                        >>> sum_up_to(5)


Recursively sum a range (solution)

Now try it recursively:

                    def sum_up_to(n):
                        """Returns the sum of positive numbers from 1 up to n (inclusive).
                        >>> sum_up_to(5)
                        if n == 1:
                            return 1
                            return n + sum_up_to(n-1)

Reversing a string

Recursively reversing a string

                    def reverse(s):
                        """Returns a string with the letters of s
                        in the inverse order.
                        >>> reverse('ward')

Breaking it down into subproblems:

    reverse("ward") = reverse("ard") + "w"
    reverse("ard") = reverse("rd") + "a"
    reverse("rd") = reverse("d") + "r"
    reverse("d") = "d"

Recursively reversing a string (solution)

                    def reverse(s):
                        """Returns a string with the letters of s
                        in the inverse order.
                        >>> reverse('ward')
                        if len(s) == 1:
                            return s
                            return reverse(s[1:]) + s[0]

When recursively processing strings, the base case is typically an empty string or single-character string, and the recursive case is often all-but-the-first characters.

Recursively reversing a string (visual)

4430829632 reverse(ward) ret: draw (#7) 140720549635616 reverse(ard) ret: dra (#6) 4430829632->140720549635616 1 4430830656 reverse(rd) ret: dr (#5) 140720549635616->4430830656 2 4430925888 reverse(d) ret: d (#4) 4430830656->4430925888 3

Exercise: Reversing a number

                    def reverse_digits(n):
                        """Returns n with the digits reversed.
                        >>> reverse_digits(123)

Exercise: Reversing a number (solution)

                    def reverse_digits(n):
                        """Returns n with the digits reversed.
                        >>> reverse_digits(123)
                        def reverse(n, r):
                          r *= 10
                          if n < 10:
                            return r + n
                            return reverse(n // 10, r + n % 10)
                        return reverse(n, 0)

Helper functions

If a recursive function needs to keep track of more state than the arguments of the original function, you may need a helper function.

                    def fUnKyCaSe(text):
                        """Returns text in fUnKyCaSe
                        >>> fUnKyCaSe("wats up")
                        'wAtS Up'
                        def toggle_case(letter, should_up_case):
                            return letter.upper() if should_up_case else letter.lower()

                        def up_down(text, should_up_case):
                            if len(text) == 1:
                                return toggle_case(text, should_up_case)
                                return toggle_case(text[0], should_up_case) + up_down(text[1:], not should_up_case)

                        return up_down(text, False)

Recursion on different data types

Data type Base case condition Current item Recursive case argument
Numbers == 0
== 1
n % 10 n // 10
Lists == [] L[0] L[1:]
Strings == ''
len(S) == 1
S[0] S[1:]

Built-in functions for iterables

Functions that process iterables

The following built-in functions work for sequence types (lists, strings, etc) and any other iterable data type.

Function Description
sum(iterable, start) Returns the sum of values in iterable, initializing sum to start
all(iterable) Return True if all elements of iterable are true (or if iterable is empty)
any(iterable) Return True if any element of iterable is true. Return False if iterable is empty.
max(iterable, key=None) Return the max value in iterable
min(iterable, key=None) Return the min value in iterable

Examples with sum/any/all

                    sum([73, 89, 74, 95], 0)  # 331

                    all([True, True, True, True])     # True
                    any([False, False, False, True])  # True

                    all([x < 5 for x in range(5)])    # True

                    perfect_square = lambda x: x == round(x ** 0.5) ** 2
                    any([perfect_square(x) for x in range(50, 60)]) # False

Examples with max/min

                    max([73, 89, 74, 95])         # 95
                    max(["C+", "B+", "C", "A"])   # C+
                    max(range(10))                # 9

A key function can decide how to compare each value:

                    coords = [ [37, -144], [-22, -115], [56, -163] ]
                    max(coords, key=lambda coord: coord[0])  # [56, -163]
                    min(coords, key=lambda coord: coord[0])  #  [-22, -115]

                    gymnasts = [ ["Brittany", 9.15, 9.4, 9.3, 9.2],
                        ["Lea", 9, 8.8, 9.1, 9.5],
                        ["Maya", 9.2, 8.7, 9.2, 8.8] ]
                    min(gymnasts, key=lambda scores: min(scores[1:]))    # ["Maya", ...]
                    max(gymnasts, key=lambda scores: sum(scores[1:], 0)) # ["Brittany", ...]